My Literacy History

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Strategy 1: Triple-Entry Vocabulary Journal

This strategy involves using a three column chart to organize and summarize key information in a passage. Students list a key term in the first column, look up and write the definition in the second column, then write their own definition in the third column. This strategy gives students practice at locating their own information, instead of the information being spoon fed to them by the teacher. It also allows the students to practice creating their own text and definition instead of trying to memorize the words of someone else. By having the students create their own definition, they are more likely to remember the word when they see it in the context of a math problem. This strategy may also incorporate student created illustrations in place of the definition in the third column. This may be particularly helpful for English Language Learners (ELLs) who may not have developed as much English vocabulary as their English speaking classmates. The illustration would make a good starting point for ELLs, who can then go back and describe their illustration in words.


  • At July 6, 2011 at 8:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Great idea about the illustration. I think that visual learners would really benefit from drawing out their concepts and then explaining it words - especially ELLs!

  • At July 6, 2011 at 4:15 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

    I like this strategy also, and definitely the idea with illustrations! I may add this to my species/sex/age terminology lessons. How fun to see them try to illustrate the difference between a calf and a cow! or a bull and a cow, for that matter!


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