My Literacy History

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A struggling writer

Upon entering college, the course I was most looking forward to getting past was Elementary Composition I. Bring on Calculus, Economics and Accounting, but I did not want to write. I struggled my last year in high school writing my research paper, and as a result, didn't get a very good grade on that assignment. That was just one paper, but now I had to take a class where all I did was write papers. I didn't know how I was going to get through that semester with a decent grade for that course.
But that feeling soon changed, thanks to the Grad Student teaching my class. She let us write about anything we wanted, and did not require us to use diagrams, or a minimum number of sources. I still struggled writing my first paper for that class, but I got an A on the assignment! I had never gotten outstanding marks on writing assignments! She helped me open up to a form of expression that had always been foreign to me. But now I was learning to use the written word to organize thoughts and feelings, just as I had used the rules of the order of operations to make sense of math problems. That specific instructor made a significant, positive inpact on not just my college career, but my attitude towards writing forever.


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