My Literacy History

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tool Kit Text 5

The Cat in Numberland by Ivar Ekeland, illustrated by John O'Brian

This is a creative and beautifully illustrated book which does an excellent job of tackling one of the most difficult topics for students of all ages to grasp: Infinity. How can something go on forever? Why doesn't have an end, or even a beginning? My first experience with this book was about two years ago when my college professor, Dr. Carol Seaman, read this book to our class. She read one chapter to us each class period for about three weeks, and I found myself looking forward to class just to see what quandaries the cat contemplated next. It reminded me just how powerful and enjoyable information can be with the right method of delivery.


  • At July 13, 2011 at 10:50 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Ooh... I don't know this book but I want to go out and get it. I love the idea of opening up with it in your class. It's a great warm-up activity for thinking about math.


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