My Literacy History

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tool Kit Text 4


I love the world of Tim and Moby! This website has short, animated clips for all subject areas, and provides a simple, yet entertaining explanation of many difficult topics. But the most beautiful thing about the adventures of Tim and Moby.... THERE ARE SUBTITLES!! It is an excellent way to introduce content specific vocabulary, because the students get to see and hear the new material at the same time, engaging more than one sense at a time. The clips even have short "quizzes" at the end of each video. You certainly do not want to use Tim and Moby to introduce all of your content, but if you are really stumped as to how to convey your message, you may want them to do it for you.


  • At July 13, 2011 at 9:36 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

    One of my favorite things about this class is the many new resources I am gaining to use in the classroom! I am looking forward to searching this site for things I can use. I can already think of several units that I struggle to introduce that I will be searching specifically for! Thanks so much for this


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